Friday, July 24, 2009

My latest pop art painting "Innocence"

Here is a glimpse of the current work. It takes a lot of time to produce this work, certainly the collage took a good while. The risk for this type of painting is if you screw up painting over the collage work, well... there's no way to replace the collage by just painting over it. I like it the way it starts to look. Why I am painting this is explained in an earlier blog.


  1. Looks like a lot of effort whent into that - for what other reason than making art ? is it for sale before it is finieshed -

    can you go to bed when not finished and still sleep good --

  2. Hi, yes indeed a lot of effort went into this painting so far. For what other reason than making art? Weird question- why does an artist paint what he paints? Selling painting before it's finished: that's kind of a cool idea, that would be art in itself. I actually sold a painting many years ago unfinished. If I see that painting today, I don't have to explain the reason why it was not finished as it is like a captured of that time when I did it. A snapshot if it were. If I can go to bed when a painting is not finished and still sleep good? I set little goals when painting, if I met the goal, I am happy. I mostly paint until I can't stand up anymore and have a hard time keeping my eyes open, so... sleep very well. Thanks for your comment :-)
