Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Art book on the reality of the art world

I am reading an art book that I bought on called "How To Become a Famous Artist and Still Paint Pictures" by W. Joe Innis.

I randomly buy books like this for my general interest and maybe pick up an idea or two.

I always had my suspicions of the workings of the art business in terms of the amount of publicity certain artists get, the artists being accepted in the gallery or museum system and so forth. My suspicions were the existance of "Le Circle" that Joe Innis is referring to. The writer brings the true and harsh realities to light about the art business or "Le Circle". An artist can dream to be a full time painter, be represented by an art gallery, do exhibitions everywhere etc, but don't put your faith in the traditional system. You have to do it yourself and he has a couple of ideas on how to get there. The book is a very interesting read so far. I am not done with it yet. I greatly suggest this book to any artist though to get promotion and be successful in the arts. The link to the book is on the left.